
Crafting is infectious. Spread the disease, visit my etsy store!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wow, peeps!

I mention tatting and people start showing up.

That's actually awesome.

I left to go on my trip yesterday. I've arrived safely. Had some time during the 4 hour flight to actually teach myself some basic tatting stitches. I thank goodness that I spend all my time playing with string because it seems that my working knowledge of thread combined with the inability to do anything ELSE helped me figure out what I'm supposed to do. It's not that tough, actually, though I don't know how I'd teach anyone else...

I'll take pics at some point. I'm on someone else's computer so I didn't want to overload their system with photos and all the other stuff I'm regularly dabbling in.

Obviously I need to get a laptop. :p

Oh, and howdy to the people who stop by to give me helpful links and say hi :)


Unknown said...

LOL! Well yeah! I think most of have a google alerts set to show links that have the word "Tatting" in them!!! So we get emails w/ all the links for the day/week that have that word in the blog post! Isn't it great! Mention tatting more often and you'll have a whole new social network of friends! :)

Unknown said...


I'll remember that. Tatting is bunches of fun :D

IsDihara said...

I can confirm that I found your website through a Google Alert back in March. I found it again today through the CraftStylish website!

Do drop by by tatting blog if you get a chance, I'll put on a pot of tea and we can chat. Or join me for Tatting Tea Tuesday!

Unknown said...

haha you get around like I do!

I'll be checking out your blog shortly :D